Mlm marketing is tough but you can get success in it if you join the right company and if you follow the right marketing techniques like I did and earned approximately 7500 $ in my first month in FFI (Forever Freedom International).
Forever Freedom International (FFI) markets a revolutionary product featured on numerous TV news programs that increase gas mileage up to 14%, improves performance and reduce emissions by up to 75% and its perfect for those with a car, truck, motorcycle, scooter, boat or other item with a gasoline powered engine. FFI is a rapidly growing four year old company (over $77 million paid out in commissions and bonuses in it's first 3 years and now hitting $50-$100 million a year in sales).
Who do you know with a car, motorcycle, scooter, truck, rickshaw, farm vehicle or equipment, boat, etc? The answer? Just about everybody! Who do you know that wants or needs to make more money? That would be everybody you know! When you've got something for everybody and you've got first mover advantage with a revolutionary product, you can't help but make money provided you take action!
With the price of petrol, diesel are climbing, selling Forever economy and carbon pollutant reduction is where the money is at. Forever freedom International does business in America and over 224 countries world wide. Our products are EPA tested and have stood hundreds of thousands of miles of testing.
If you would like to get involved either part time or full time, Forever Freedom International welcomes you and invites you to take a serious look at becoming an Independent Distributor in your area and show others how they can help in the reduction of Carbon emissions caused by the burning of Fossil Fuel in their cars.
Some of the Features of FFI:
1- No Product Purchase Required
2- Buy At Wholesale Sell At Retail
3- 20% Profit Margin
4- We Pay Weekly
5- Open Territories
6- Commissions & Bonuses
7- Residual Income
8- Do It Part Time, or Full Time
9- Marketing Site for each member
10- Back Office Too
Do you really want to fight against Global Warming efficiently & Save Big on Fuel ? From now on you can realize savings of 7%- 14% on fuel and also reduce 75%- 80% of the CO2 emissions. You can have your vehicle last longer. The product is 100% organic - EPA registered # 201220001 - as seen on CNN International World Business Review.
There is a great income opportunity with this business as well as helping the environment also.
This product has been used by government bodies. I have used this product on a daily basis for 2 yrs. I am gaining about 17% increase in my mileage. Can you imagine if this product saved you 17% what that would do to your monthly Fuel costs??
Its available in Liquid or Tablet form, The product is good for Diesel or Petrol engines. The extra power it gives to your engine is amazing and it also reduces "black smoke" and most importantly cuts down on omissions by up to 80%.
Please Register yourself and grab your position in the fastest growing Binary MLM Company operating in 224 countries dealing with Fuel and environment sector.
Forever Freedom International has designed an aggressive, but simple, compensation plan that pays dollar-for-dollar volume. Top distributors are earning up to $100,000 per Month and more.
For more information please visit my website at:
You can also watch FFI videos at: