Search Engine Traffic and Lead Generation and Two great Methods that work for me.
In the case of Search Engine Traffic, the key is to rank and not just listed.
Getting listed on Yahoo and other search engines may be FREE or at a cost. Yahoo is an index and basically all you have to do is choose the correct listing and submit. However it can take time and there is no assurance that you will be listed in the index. DMOZ is important index you should consider also and again there is no assurance that you will be listed.
The consolation is that even if you are not listed in the indexes, there is a good chance that Yahoo Slurp will pick out your site with its robots and the same applies to other search engines.
Nevertheless there is a huge difference between getting listed and getting ranked. The truth is there are billions of sites and if you make a search for anything, you will see how many options there are. Usually people choose to enter pages on the first search result page, but some are more determined and might continue to other search result pages. Even so, it is highly unlikely that anyone will visit your site from search engines unless you rank in the top five pages.
I have come across many ideas about how to get ranked and some of them include good unique content, quality back links, relevant meta tags etc., but if you have several pages it is really hard work and it is really time consuming and the results are usually very slow and not always as desired. Trail and error is always part of the progress game.
Now I have an alternative. A Free Search Submission which will not only get you ranked at No.1 in Yahoo and Google but other top search engines, too, and all at the same time, might I add. They say it is so good that one young lady sold 30,000 mobile phones in one hour after getting to the top. It takes about 120 days and although it will not remain free after you are at the top, if you join their affiliate program, you have the opportunity to keep it FREE forever and earn at the same time.
It is important to note that while you are trying to rank in the search engines that you should try other methods of advertising. Submitting to Web 2.0 Engines and Lead Generation are two of the greatest methods I have found and it works perfectly for me. Even a list of 50 offers great returns so it is something you should do.
If you have no idea how to build a list you could try or or
Whatever you do be sure to submit your sites to search engines for FREE and be patient for the results to come.