Ezine advertising can be affordable and convert well. However, I'd recommend getting involved with better quality programs than the ones you're looking to promote. Also, you're going to want to go to somewhere like godaddy and buy a cheap nice looking domain name to forward your longer 'ugly' looking domains to. So, for example, you would have http://www.dustincallahan.com point to http://www.mywavepage.com/dcallahan
Below is some information to help you get off in the right direction with your business...
A successful network marketing/MLM business takes commitment and consistency on a daily basis. Based on my experience you need to be a good learner first and learn how to market effectively.
The old networking model is no longer effective- make a list of your top100 friends (warm market) and approach them first about your business. The sale funnel is way too short...call someone up, make your pitch, if they say no then that's it...done. The new model employs a blend of technology and leadership skills. It's very important to make deals with people not computers though. Use technology (auto responders, phone dialers etc.) to extend your sales funnel weeks and months into the future through effective follow up. It's not uncommon for a successful network marketer to have someone that contacted them anywhere from 1month to 12 months in the past joining their business. Effective networkers know how to market and extend the sales funnel. Think AOL, Walmart etc.
Learn from the big guns at the top of the food chain. They all control the content and build systems for their down lines which often times makes them more money than the business itself. Too many network marketing companies take away power instead of give power. What I mean by that is they don't teach people how to be business owners and earn off the entire sales funnel that is available to all networkers. Meaning, as a business owner you should be able to earn off of the sales of leads, autoresponders and training products. The guys at the top normally keep all of the power to themselves. The ability to transfer power to those you work with is essential. Once you become successful don't sugar coat the truth to those you work with. Let them know the whole story.
I also recommend a generic mastermind community to get involved with that you can plug into and learn cutting edge marketing techniques. Brand yourself first, be a self-promoter, sell people on YOU, inc. People want to partner with leaders that have a high emotional IQ. Having a great product is important, but it is more important to know how to brand yourself and learn how to get people to know, like and trust you.
Additionally, take the time to be a resource for people - be a business coach. As a business coach/trainer other people don't see you as competition and will instead see you as a resource that is offering empowering information to help them build their business. Offer training products and leads on the front end and later on back end people into your primary networking business. This not only builds strong relationships (through your retail training products), it lets you see who the leaders are going to be that you can potentially partner with.
Also study successful people and become good friends with them. One day with an uncommon mentor can take away a thousand days of pain and frustration. Make a point to read empowering literature (on marketing, personal development etc.) a little every day to maintain focus and keep your mindset strong.
I hope this helps!