how can I get more traffic to my website?
2005-12-13 22:18:03 UTC
I have a new website for my art business and need some customers to come, but I haven't had too many people come a buy anything...
Four answers:
2005-12-13 22:18:42 UTC
advertise it , forums , ads etc , there is no wrong answer
Mark Bertrand
2005-12-18 11:52:26 UTC
Internet traffic can come from many sources as outlined in a business marketing plan. Once you identify the various sources of traffic available for your specific markets you can develop an advertising plan. The advertising budget will provide the frequency for the various advertising campaigns. Usually a marketing mix is recommended to spread your business message across the whole spectrum of opportunities. A marketing management service will provide these resources and help you design the perfect plans that will best provide maximum profits from online sales. It would be my pleasure to work with you to accomplish your online needs. My contact information is included in the URL source below.
2005-12-13 23:14:42 UTC helps you get your site seeded in a variety of search engines FREE and gives you the option of paying to have your site seeded on PAY sites such as Google, Yahoo and Alta Vista.

The nice thing is that it's an easy, step-by-step tutorial and a tool in one ... with lots of great advice that will help you avoid getting locked out by search engines.
2005-12-16 18:41:31 UTC
Search for "SEO tips" and do what they suggest. Consider purchasing an affiliate program, like at

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.