2011-10-09 09:07:53 UTC
"You are to assume the role of account executive at SUNBURST ADVERTISING AGENCY. The CEO of your local Chamber of Commerce has asked you to create a public information campaign to address the issue of pets in public establishments.
Local health ordinances exclude pets, with the exception of service animals, from food and beverage establishments. Recently, more and more people have been bringing their small pets with them into bars and restaurants. Although the ordinances have been in place for a long time, they have never been strenuously enforced. Parallel to this trend has been the number of complaints to the local Chamber of Commerce from health officials, business owners and community leaders. The Chamber has asked SUNBURST AGENCY to create a public information campaign that will remind the community of the health and safety ordinances without offending pet owners."
I cannot for the life of me think of an effective campaign that would work for this!! any ideas? thanks in advance :)