As usual, Jake has good advice. I'll add a few items.
First, you page loads very slowly. This will lower your "visitor experience" or "page quality" score on Google. Do a page load test with to locate what is slowing down your page load time - then apply the fix to all pages. Your page now loads in about 9 seconds - should be under 5 seconds (preferably less than 3). Looks to me like your many javascript loads are the main cause. Use the "Use Google Libraries" WordPress plugin to fix that. Then check that your images are well compressed for faster loading.
You should offer more social buttons than just Twitter. There are many good plugins that offer many buttons - most can be customized to show only the buttons you want.
The best SEO plugin for your blog is "WordPress-SEO" by Joost De Valk. Be sure to set up an account for your blog on Google Webmaster Tools and to use the Google Analytics for Wordpress plugin (also by Joost) and create a Google Analytics account to track your blog's traffic and other metrics.
To answer your original question, you can register your blog on many blog directories. Google "blog directories (without the quotes) to find them.
For free advice on the online sales process, color schemes and all the visual issues that affect websites and online sales, please see my 'Visual Marketing' blog.
Hope this helps....
_jim coe